eircode: H91 YD65
GPS / Satnav Coordinates: 53.425742 -9.270023
Driving from Galway:
Take the N59 (main Clifden road) to Oughterard.
15km from Galway city turn right at signpost for Aughnanure Castle (L5351). This is also the road for the Oughterard Golf course.
Follow signs to Corrib View Country House.
Driving from Oughterard:
Take the N59 (Galway-Clifden road) towards Galway.
3km east of Oughterard turn left at sign post for Aughnanure Castle (L5351). This is also the road for the Oughterard Golf course.
Follow signs to Corrib View Country House.
Driving distances to/from popular locations
Galway city – 30 minutes | Clifden – 45 minutes | Westport – 90 minutes | Aran Island Ferries – 45 minutes (via Rossaveal port)
Burren and Cliffs of Moher – 2 hours | Dublin 2-3 hours
Postal Address
Corrib View Country House, Golf Course Road L5351, Oughterard, Connemara, Co. Galway, Ireland.